
They both look great and they are eco friendly, making them an amazing acquisition to every company! On August 25th, Epson met up with a couple of journalists to explain why sustainable business is the future.

Epson wants to raise awareness amongst companies and consumers of the fact that sustainability is not just a tree-huggers’ thing, at companies it boosts efficiency, productivity and revenue.


Before the green hype, Epson was already working on sustainability by knocking over the printer business model as we had known it for years. No more offering cheap hardware and later on compensate revenues by selling expensive ink cartridges (an often heard frustration). 


From innovative concepts & product development to own production and recycling processes: Epson values sustainability. This resulted in the company reducing its CO2 emissions from transport by 40% (year over year since 2006) and its waste emissions by 55%, compared to 2006 g.ex. 


On top of that, they started developing innovative solutions, based upon the Micro Piezo technology, allowing users to save considerably on ink use and costs. Research showed that inkjet printers perform better than competitive laser printers, using up to 96% less energy and even producing 94% less waste. On top of that all, they produce less noise, print faster and require far less maintenance.


One should consider the switch from laser to ink, no?

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